A whisper in the wind
a tear in the sky
a cry in the rain
rage against the thunder
rip the lightning bolts from the clouds
pain subdued by wonder
I blame myself to sleep
I cry myself awake
My body wrenches and it heaves violent bolts of pain through this chest plate
Like a record, i repeat myself
with different verse my words aren't heard
only written to be cast away to collect dust
And I will do this all over again
I must
And when I cant hold it in any longer
and nobody is around
and nobody is listening
I will rage war on the Gods
and the lightning and thunder will fear my wrath
half alive?
but the sparks in my eyes will tell you otherwise
they push me forward and brighten my path
I push on my own chest to pump oxygen through these lungs
Sometimes I forget to breathe
I forget to eat
I forget to sleep
And In my dreams the obscurity of life becomes clearer
Like the blue of the sky reflecting on the salty oceans
The green of the leaves bursting through buds on a tree and the blades of grass tickling my toes
like the scent of spring flowers luring my nose
and the sounds of my music making my day and saving my life..
I will make my way past the rising fury, this forever hurting, the loss of love, the distance of family, the deaths of best friends, this constant knot left unknown... and I will look towards... I will look towards.. something more