Friday, February 26, 2010

nightly terror

And when the sun falls
and the new moon rises
I will stay awake til the point of exhaustion
I won't close my eyes til my eyes close me
My head will bob and I will drift towards sleep
And You will come
You dark cloaked figure
You haunt me for unknown reasons
You keep me scared and vulnerable
In my sleep I see you.
No face to be shown, nor voice to be heard
You just stand there
watching me. Sometimes
ghostly, horrifically,
you scatter, like
floating fluttering fabric in a wind storm,
a flock of a thousand flapping crows in my face,
a cackle in the background.
I cry myself awake
with clenched fists and tear and sweat stained clothes
I fight myself but not you.
What are you?
maybe, tonight, when I see you
we shall share words.
I feel you waiting
beckoning to me from my room,
in my head.
I'm getting drowsy. I'll be there soon
As much as I hate your visits,
you're my only constant.
Don't go.

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