for as long as i can remember
up those floating stairs,
past the flying fish and
The bear cloud in the sky
into freddie Kreugars claw
ripping at my family
busting my soccer ball.
Johnstone gripping that bat soooooOOO
Ready to make HIS move
On my perverted grandpy.
Something holding him back
screaming for help
the move is not to happen
his hands on my pre pubescent body.
life floats ooooOOon. liiiife floats ooOooon.
Her SILHOUETTE in the s t e a m
i can recognize it any time
up against the counter
she lets me makehermine
the shower hums in the background,
s tead ily floowing t r i c k l e
RunniNg for hours
in ONE spot
never ever escaping
Its the most uncomfortable
in that red room with one TV
and plaid sofa
The lights cannot be altered
Time cannot be told
nightmares TrEmOr my physical being
convulsing with eyes wide shut
Wake in a sweat
heart pounding hard
eyes scanning ========fffffffffast==========---
my breathing s l o w s to an even pace
and that boogie man appears!
I'm still sleeping..
How the fuck do I get OUT of here?!
Scream at my face and in my ears
Wake up CHRISTINA, wake UP!
My eyes open
AGAIN pounding heart
breathing hard scanning fast.
I AM awake. Don't slip back
time to move your position
each one has a different nightmare
a different scare;
a rapist .. a mugger .. an assailant . ..
a monster .. a friend .. a ghost ..
death.. life ... living.. dying ..
Don't look now i'm always crying
Shot four times
Many cliffs I've flung from
stabbed in the heart and in the back
grabbed at punched out
kicked on spit at
And still I float on ... LIFE floooats ooooon
oh time, rescue me. tell me when to wake up.
tell me when to breathe
tell me where my life is going
see me in my dreams. ♥
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