Face contorted
Body itching
feet antsy
To get this feeling out
write fast
write hard
don't stop writing!
Is this what it takes?
Put up a front
nerves never showing
But if you knew me
You'd see it
Smeared across my skin
My words tripping
all over your face
stutters on the table
Trembling hands
hold fast
to my glass of Bier
Words scattered
Jumbled in my head
like a Word search,
I put them together
Some wrong answers
Still she smiles at my angst
Butterflies float on
in and out of my body
Distractions I find
anything to hide my fear
Her lips
her eyelashes
her teeth
her smile.
Her eyes..
I can't carry mine to hers.
Not yet
All is beautiful though
All is calm
When Shes smiling back at me.
Shy eyes see everything .. but her eyes...
i know this probably goes against what i said earlier today...BUT I just had to say that I really like this one. Alot. That is all. xo.