Humans don't realize how in tune to one another we actually are. We joke, we laugh, we talk, we share, we smile, we care, and grow and feel and cry ... all these emotions and actions and we share them all! Why are we so antisocial? WHy does society perceive and portray life and this world so negatively, so dangerously, so inaccurately? It is killing people as we speak. And here we are, selfish little ants, looking out for ourselves. Number one. Not even putting your children before your own needs. Worse than that, there are innocent children in this world ,products of broken homes, of rape, and hate that are out there, lost, lonely, loveless and homeless. And still, whats worse than that, is the fact that its not even something that is happening in places we haven't even heard of, it is happening in our own backyard. I see it on the streets. It actually breaks my heart. In this day and age and in a developed nation such as ours, it should be unacceptable! It shouldn't be happening!
I want to help. Where on earth do I even begin? In developing countries? My own Country? My own family? With myself? Sometimes I'm lost, and lonely and feeling loveless. Everyone needs a little help. Where will it start? On the street, offer up my change so he can buy his next bottle? Well, why not?! who are we to judge that person for wanting to drink or shoot up?! That is all that person has left in the world to look forward to! He's already been abandoned and the world has turned its back on him, why not?
It still baffles me to see people so casually walking by the homeless man or womyn on the street with their life in a nap sac beside them while wrapped up in their torn sleeping bag. I literally have to turn my head. I cant walk by casually. But I cant look. my heart hurts too much to see it. I cant look until the day I can help. And I will help. Somehow. for now Ill just share my left overs, and drop change when I can. If I cant do either, I will just try to flash the friendliest and warmest smile possible.
I don't really know where this entry was going, but I think it went where it wasn't first intended to go. If that makes any sense.
Next time someone is asking for change,
take a good hard look in their eyes.
Maybe even talk to them. Befriend them, just for a moment.
When you go home, look into your own eyes.
You are probably just as lost as that person living on the street.
But at least you are warm.
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